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Virginia the Land of Opportunity

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Buying your Happiness

When you think of land you think of endless possibilities. Land for sale in Virginia is a popular find. There are amazing views to be taken in, great soil to grow in, and peace and quiet to be had for anyone willing to take a chance on the land and build or invest in. There are so many reasons why to buy land in Virginia if you are interested and not sure about it yet.

Growing your Own

Being completely self-sufficient on your own land is something many may be interested in.

  • If you’re feeding a nuclear family it’s usually advised that you’ll want to have at least two acres of land with decent soil.
  • If you’re just interested in growing your own vegetables and maybe some fruits, you’ll need probably about an acre of land.

To start off you’ll probably want to start with easy to grow vegetables such as potatoes, peas, and onions for example. Greens also do well in Virginia’s spring climate as well as late summer. The benefits of growing your food are exponential from saving money, cutting down your carbon footprint and removing potentially harmful pesticides from your store-bought food.

Peace and Portfolio?

Buying land can buy you a slice of paradise in the form of untouched and unfettered land where you can build or not build, sing loudly or enjoy the solitude it provides you. In addition to those wonderful feelings, owning land without buildings assists in not paying higher property taxes that are associated with home ownership.

Having a piece of land in your portfolio especially if you expect the area to boom in the future is a great investment vehicle that you can enjoy in the meantime. Why not have your own private campground where you can enjoy nature without having neighbors nearby if that sounds like a good idea to you, then buying some land especially in Virginia where the weather is mild, is probably a stupendous match for you.

Ready to buy, but not sure where?

Virginia is a great place to start! More specifically though you will want to complete some research to figure out exactly what you want from your land. Where to start? Well, I have a couple of quick tips for you.

  1. Review all parts of the property specs. What do I mean by this you may be asking, well, you will want to review how to get onto the property, see if there is an HOA or other fees associated with the land, and maybe complete a soil test if you plan to grow on the land.
  2. Review the utilities available on the property. Chances are if you are buying land, that you will not get city utilities and will need to have a septic tank, also looking into the water and electricity as usually this is important to most people.
  3. Look at Cost and Risk. You will want to make sure you understand the overall costs per year as well as any additional fees you will incur such as taxes or HOA fees.

Buying land is still buying opportunity and if you take the leap, it will be a fun ride, good luck and happy hunting!

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